




在11月8日,當我聽到家裡因颱風而有些損壞時,我很難過。但藉著雇主全家和聖徒們的迫切代禱及安慰,我強烈地摸著神的愛。後來在聖徒的幫助之下,我聯繫到家鄉當地的聖徒,並且請求他們前去看望我的家人。使我吃驚的是,我的家人非常敞開且願意受浸。由於缺水 ,他們沒有立即受浸。然而讚美主,主仍為他們開路。至終包括我的父母在內,有六位家人受浸了。另外有五人沒受浸,因為他們在外地工作。





I am sister Rutche from Philippines. I was baptized in Taiwan . I was born in a Gentile family. When I worked in my employer’s house, I realized they are Christian. They’ve never forced me to be baptized. But I really saw Christ through their daily livings and the way they treated me. Thus, I decided to be baptized. After my baptism, all my desires and natures were changed a lot. I desired that all my family could be baptized, but it was hard to preach the gospel to them because they are in Philippine ,but I am in Taiwan. On Nov 8,2013, I felt very upset when I heard that parts of my house were damaged by typhoon in Philippines. Through the desperate prayers and comforts of my employer’s family and saints, I   strongly touched God’s love. Under saints’ helps, I contacted and asked local saints there to visit my home in Philippines. To my surprise, all my family was very open and willing to be baptized. Due to the lacking of water, they could not be baptized immediately. Praise the Lord , the Lord opened a way for them . Eventually, 6 out of totally 11 of my households were baptized including my parents. 5 of them could not be baptized due to their working outside of my hometown. Praise the Lord for His great compassion on my households. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!!   



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